
Hi there! Welcome to my personal blog. This place serves as a hub for all things I find interesting and noteworthy. A collective history of my research, engagements and general cool things that I come across in my career as a programmer.

Whether you are a software engineer, a computer graphics programmer, 3D artist or just like to mess around with coding - I hope to have something here for you all. I aim to write articles that adhere to multiple different tastes, such as programming shaders to rendering beautiful scenes. Doing technical deep dives into complex algorithms, and summarising some cool C++ design patterns that I think anyone can (and should) adopt.

Take a look, and hopefully you can learn with me :-)

About me

I am currently working as a software engineer at Arm, based in the UK. I work in the developer relations and graphics engineering team, where part of my job is to help foster the graphics ecosystem by ensuring Arm GPUs remain competitive in terms of their performance.

Another part of my job is working with external developers to ensure that their apps and games perform well on our devices.

However, my primary focus is writing computer graphics demos that help showcase various techniques, optimised for Mali devices.

To learn more about my company click here.